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Research & Product Development

Research & Product Development



              Where food extrusion ideas become reality.


The Wenger Technical Center is a complete agrifood laboratory with pilot and production scale extrusion cooking and drying systems for researching and testing ideas, developing new products, and learning production techniques. Wenger Technical Center professionals have the knowledge and skill to help you develop, test, analyze, and produce new product prototypes and develop processes that enable new product manufacturing at full scale.

​In most cases, Wenger can help you navigate your way through the development process faster than you could do it alone - allowing you to get your concept to the market ahead of your competition.

  • 50,000 ft2 (>4000 m2) facility, one of the largest of its kind in the world
  • Segrated areas for human food and pet food
  • Full scale, commerical equipment, systems, and PLC controls
  • Ingredient flexibility - customer supplied or Wenger sourced
  • Mixing, conveying, milling, forming, convection roasting, drying, coating, cutting, and shredding processes available
  • Focus on food safety
  • Laboratory analysis
  • World-class media center, using >20 mobile cameras on the production floor, enables video recording and high resolution live stream remote viewing of test runs (client specific)

media center

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“Test runs at the Wenger Technical Center dramatically increased our understanding of the extrusion process, and had a direct impact on our product quality and our factories’ productivity.” 

                                           — Mads Speichert, EWOS Innovation

Wenger Technical Center overhead


Test Your Products, Methods, & Formulations

A typical session at the Wenger Technical Center will include:

  • Overview of project goals and processes required
  • Pre- and post-extrusion discussions
  • Evaluation of ingredients
  • Numerous trial runs
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Product samples
  • Access to Wenger kitchen/preparation area as needed
  • Product quality evaluations
  • Intrepretation of results
  • High resolution photography of products from each trial
  • Summary video of trial runs and products

Tech Center test products

Due to high demand, the Wenger Technical Center schedule is usually completely booked across many weeks/months. If you're interested in scheduling a session, contact us as soon as possible to reserve the time you require!



Wenger Equipment Available for Use

Lab Tests Available (partial list)

  • Moisture Determination

  • Starch Pasting Properties

  • Glass Transition Temperature

  • Melt Transition Temperature

  • pH Determination

  • % Total Starch

  • % Gelatinized Starch

  • Starch Gel Strength

  • Sieve Analysis

  • Oil Leaching

  • Piece Density

  • Pellet Durability Index

TC lab

University Assistance

Wenger maintains a cooperative extension relationship with a number of major universities that offer extrusion-related research on behalf of industry clients. Wenger often provides technical assistance at these centers and participates in trainings.