Heat Recovery Unit
Achieve up to 25% energy savings by recuperating exhaust air from Wenger dryers
Wenger's customized options can help you achieve your sustainability goals
√ Air Cleaned √ Odor Reduced
√ Water Reclaimed √ Energy Recovered

- HRU connects to dryer exhaust and provides recuperated make-up air back to dryer
- Uses proven technology - interconnected air-water heat exchangers
- High efficiency drum filtration to capture fine particulate
- Effectively reduces odor
- Recovers water condensate
- Energy savings leads to rapid payback
- Expandable platform for further energy savings
How It Works
Adding a Heat Recovery Unit to your Wenger dryer is an excellent first step toward reducing energy consumption while maintaing proper energy transfer within the dryer, and without a significant increase in physical space requirements. In some situations, it may be possible to install one HRU to function with more than one dryer, achieving greater savings.
Additionally, adding a high temperature heat pump along with the HRU enables reduction - or complete omission - of carbon emissions, improved fuel flexibility, and decreased energy costs. Contact Wenger for more information about effective and sustainable solutions for decarbonizing horizontal dryers.

Applications In
Textured vegetable proteins, structured meat alternatives, ingredients, protein crisps, breadings, RTE cereals, snacks, hybrid products, and many more
Pet Food
Traditional kibble, semi-moist, high fresh meat inclusion, treats (long, short, filled, dental) - and flexibility for new products with numerous ingredient options
Aquatic Feed
Floating, sinking, slow-sinking feeds, Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) feeds, and a wide variety of specialty feeds
With Wenger systems, you can create new products for industrial or consumer applications. Whatever idea you're thinking about, Wenger can help.
Talk to a Product Specialist
to discuss the feasibility, design and implementation for your project